Momma Bat Witchery

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Full "Cold" Moon in Gemini

Tonight there will be a full Moon. You can see her in all her glory tonight and I am sure most of you have seen her the past few days. She is stunning and takes my breath away each time. Tonight at 11:14pm she will be at her peak fullness. Get out there and soak in some of those gorgeous Moon rays tonight. Known as a “Cold” moon because for obvious reasons this is typically the time of year when the temperature takes a big dip and I think we can all agree it is COLD right now. As Winnipeggers we are all too familiar with this. In the sign of Gemini, ruled by Mercury the planet of communication and travel, this is going to be one on how we communicate and our goals for the new year and the 20s. This is the last full Moon of the year and the decade. It is really important to do a Full Moon Ritual tonight if you haven’t already done one. But above all now its the time to change your habits. Let go of that which is no longer serving you, toxic ties, bad habits and negative influences. This is also the time to manifest what you want for the next year and decade ahead. Set your goals, focus on them, visualize them, speak them into existence. I explain all about how to perform a Full Moon Ritual and what themes to focus on in my previous blog post so check it out for more information. This is a really good time to focus on how we communicate and get our points across. Also gaining perspective and understanding from ourselves but also others. Releasing unrealistic and uncertain thoughts, anxious tendencies. Focus our action and intuition on the things that are important. Focus is a big theme for Geminis, rather their lack of focus. They have so many varying interests and hobbies that it can be difficult for them to put their all into one thing so their creative/work pursuits may suffer because of this. I feel as well Geminis must create boundaries for themselves when it comest to socializing and how they give away their energy in group settings. Known as the social butterfly of the zodiac , learning to protect your space is a most valuable lesson to learn on this Gemini full Moon. Venus is also conjunct Saturn. Venus the planet of love, beauty and money and Saturn the planet of rules, responsibility and structure. This can be quite a favourable aspect for those who have been in a long term relationship. Serious commitments may be taken or professed. Either way there will be a serious reality check when it comes to love or financial matters. This is a really good time to make a commitment but at the same time duty and responsibility may take precedence over love and romance. This full Moon will be affecting of course those with Gemini placements, but also Mutable sign placements which include Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

As always full Moons signify endings and new beginnings. Light is shed onto things that have been hidden in the shadows and depending on what sign it is in incredible transformation. It is also a time of heightened emotions. Be cautious of your reactions because you may act or think irrationally. This is a good time to use crystals to keep you grounded, balanced and steady. Some crystals you can use are Apatite, Sodalite, Moss Agate, Dalmation Jasper, Howlite and Serpentine . This is also an amazing time to do a full Moon ritual which month by month I post on how to perform one. We perform full Moon rituals to release and let go of toxic and negative energies and feelings. It is very therapeutic and if you can get 4 in your group, Earth, Air, Fire and Water you are a force to be reckoned with. Full Moons are also a time of deep healing and can be overwhelming. Take the time to rest if you need. People often find they are either insomniac or extra sleepy during full Moons. If you are feeling tired or not well definitely take the time to rest and recuperate. Happy full Moon friends and remember to take this time for yourself whichever way you plan to.

Lastly I just wanted to also include a little tidbit on this eclipse season we are currently in. There is an eclipse that is coming up in very soon, in only a couple weeks. We are fully in its shadow and likely have been feeling it’s affects already, especially those of you with Cardinal signs. A solar eclipse in Capricorn on Christmas Day. This will not be visible in North America I believe you can see it in places like India and certain Asian countries. However despite not being able to see it we will be feeling its powerful affects. This eclipse will be affecting those with Cardinal sign placements. That is Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Think back to July when the summer brings the typical eclipse season of 2 solar eclipses and 1 lunar eclipse. This was a very powerful and potent time astrologically/energetically. It really shook some people’s lives and changed things dramatically. It likely caused certain stresses, anxieties and dramatic events to arise, especially for those with Cardinal signs. Think back to July and the events that transpired back then. Have things been feeling in limbo for you? Themes from July are going to present themselves back again and things are going to start moving forward from this limbo state. This is the culmination of so many things that have transpired this year. There might be devastating, catastrophic and illuminating events that will transpire. It is a warning however there is nothing to do but prepare and protect yourself for some potentially harder times that will come your way. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a bad thing, and despite change being scary and sometimes difficult it can ultimately be the best thing that is for you. So do not fear change rather embrace it. I will be writing more about the eclipse in the next week or so. Stay tuned for more information.