Momma Bat Witchery

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Full "Flower" Moon in Scorpio

Well here we are. Another month gone by and another full moon. A full flower moon in Scorpio. This month’s full moon is known as a flower moon because in normal climates this is the time of year when everything is in bloom and flowers are starting to grow. Of course here in Winnipeg we know better not to put our flowers and plants out until AFTER May long weekend. I am travelling with some girlfriends to Kelowna this weekend to celebrate our 30th birthdays and I couldn’t imagine a better and more perfect full moon to travel during.

The moon will reach peak fullness at 4:11pm on May 18th. Friday night would be the perfect time to perform a full moon ritual. Check out my blog post on how to perform a Scorpio full moon ritual including a cleansing detox bath. Water should be included with your ritual. In the intense water sign of Scorpio. Scorpio full moons tend to be very emotional and transformational. If there is any time time to shed your old life and embrace the new, now is the perfect time. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto the planet of death, rebirth and transformation. Scorpio is usually fascinated with the darker side of life, things that are normally taboo subjects and other people would normally shy away from. Because of the full moon being in Scorpio, taboo themes may be present. Think sex scandal or a weird and morbid fascination with death. It could be a good time for sexual exploration or opening yourself up to darker subjects that have always interested you but you may have felt uncomfortable to dive into. If you are not feeling overtly sexual a good way to express yourself may be to stretch or dance instead. This moon will affect those with fixed signs, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius more so than other signs. However despite the emotional intensity of Scorpio we will feel a nice balance considering four signs are in earthy and grounded Taurus, including the sun. This is the perfect combination, if the sun was in any other sign, especially a water sign you would be feeling way more emotional. Truth is incredibly important to a Scorpio so now is the time to not only be honest with yourself but also with others. If there is any other time to go digging for the truth this would be it. One thing is for sure that powerful transformation will be possible. Think Phoenix from the ashes or a snake shedding her skin.

As always full moons signify endings and new beginnings. Light is shed onto things that have been hidden in the shadows and depending on what sign it is in incredible transformation. It is also a time of heightened emotions. Be cautious of your reactions because you may act or think irrationally. This is a good time to use crystals to keep you grounded, balanced and steady. Some crystals you can use are Malachite, Kyanite, Labradorite and Turquoise. Labradorite is one of my current favourites and oh so pretty so if you can get your hands on some of that you will be great. I actually have some labradorite currently up in my shop so message if you have any interest in learning more about labradorite especially if you are a Scorpio. Happy full moon friends!