Momma Bat Witchery

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Litha, Midsummer, Summer Solstice - 8 ways to celebrate

Litha also known as the Midsummer Solstice, is known by most people as the summer solstice, the longest day of the year and the shortest night of the year. It signifies the light and fertility and life and the culmination of The Oak King. The Oak King embodies the spirit of nature and the sacred male principle. He is at his peak strength before he is cut down and then sacrificed in order to symbolize the necessity of death in order for life to continue. This is anticipating the coming harvest. Litha, like Beltane is a Sabbat strongly associated with the element fire. A good way to celebrate like Beltane again is with a huge bonfire celebration. I would love to have a crazy bonfire party tonight but unfortunately it is supposed to rain and also I need to be well rested for tomorrow because it is our youngest 1st birthday party. I will consider that our big Litha celebration, there will be good food and company. Anticipate a blog post on Asher’s birthday celebrations. For Litha this year I am going to do some of the more low-key ways to celebrate.

8 ways to celebrate Litha are the following:

1) Make honey cakes. This is a staple for Litha. And so absolutely delicious. A delicious treat to provide for yourself or friends and family. This was my Litha activity amongst other things because tomorrow is Asher’s birthday party and I don’t want to stay up all night with a bonfire and watching the sunrise because it is a big day tomorrow and I want to be well rested for it. I would love to dance, by the fire and under the moonlight but I also think it is going to rain and it just isn’t in the cards for tonight. Anyway if you want the recipe for my honey cakes I made let me know but it was mega delicious. I used local Manitoba honey from Queen B’s Manitoba Honey which I purchased from the South Osborne Mother’s Day Farmer’s Market. The recipe requires orange juice and I used my own freshly homemade squeezed orange juice. I used BC Wildflower local honey and vegan margarine for the “icing”. The kids and I enjoyed a slice this morning with some grapefruit and berry spread. The rest of the cake is going to be served tomorrow at Ash’s birthday party.

2)Take a spiritual and cleansing Litha bath. For this you will need a yellow or white candle, a citrine crystal and your own homemade blend of bath salts. Use Epsom salts mixed with calendula, lavender and citrus essential oils. Once you have made your mixture, light your candle and place your crystals beside the candle or in the actual bath water. Add your bath salt mixture and mix it around in a clockwise motion. Get in the bath and just enjoy the salt and oils on your body. Pick up your crystal and visualize the warmth of summer and welcoming it back to life.

3) Go berry picking. This may be difficult here in Manitoba because I don’t believe the berries are ready to be harvested but in certain climates I am sure there are berries that are ready to be picked. Traditionally they should have been ready by now, I have strawberries growing in my garden that are ready to be picked and they are so delicious.

4) Do a Litha Tarot reading or meditation session. Tonight after the kids go to bed I will be doing a Litha reading. There is something big that I need help finding clarity and guiding my path, I won’t get into it but it’s going to be something huge. So my tarot reading will be perfect for this. If you don’t read tarot this could be a good time for meditation or setting intentions especially surrounding fertility, abundance and baby making.

5) Have an amazing bonfire with friends. Like Beltane, Litha is traditionally celebrated with a big crazy party and bonfire usually involving a group of people. Lots of wine flowing, dancing under the moonlight and enjoying the longest day of the year. If you can manage it it is also customary to stay up all night and watch the sunrise. I would love to celebrate this way but I don’t think it’s going to happen with the weather and also with everything I need to get ready for Ash’s party still. Next time.

6) Have a picnic in a park or on a hiking trail. The boys and I visited the flower garden and duck pond at St.Vital Park this afternoon. We ate snacks and drank water and milk and enjoyed the grounds. We watched the ducks and the people. We admired the flowers and sat by the river. It was a lovely way to spend an hour of our day.

7) Mindfully gather flowers, leave fairy offerings, build a fairy garden or terrarium. Make a flower crown or make your own little flower arrangement. Yellow and white come to mind with Litha

8) Spend time outdoors soaking up all that nature has to offer. Walk barefoot in the grass and allow yourself to become grounded with the earth. Even if you can’t get to the beach, the lake or the park, even just spend time outside in your backyard and soak it all in. Especially in Winnipeg, we have very little nice days and we must enjoy them regardless if you “believe” in Litha or not.