Momma Bat Witchery

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Taurus Eclipse Transformations

If you are here and you have been here for awhile, it’s nothing new for me to talk about eclipses. How heavily the impact they can make on someone’s life. The changes that occur can be very monumental. They can also be difficult and heartbreaking and anxiety inducing. They can be downright terrifying. They can be magical and beautiful though as well.

To remind those of you that are new around here. Eclipses are these really intense and karmic periods of time in a person’s life. They represent fate and destiny, and often what ends up happening during these windows was very much out of your control and was going to happen no matter what. There is something comforting in finding out that these periods of time were out of your control and there was nothing you could have done or not done to make it any easier on yourself. There are these eclipse seasons and periods. They tend to be a 2-3 year period where it is hitting the same zodiac signs over and over again. The last eclipse period was Gemini and Sagittarius. Before that Capricorn and Cancer. But since late November of 2021 we have been experiencing the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses. November 19th 2021 there was a Taurus Lunar eclipse. On April 30 2022 a Taurus Solar eclipse. On May 15th a Scorpio Lunar eclipse. This past October 25th a Scorpio Solar eclipse and then just this morning a Taurus Lunar eclipse. Next May will be the last of the Scorpio eclipses and next October will be the last of the Taurus eclipses. Thus starting a new eclipse season, which will be impacting Aries and Libra that go well into 2025. You can see the patterns of how things happen in a person’s life. Big moments, big events tend to happen within a couple weeks of these eclipse windows. But the eclipse energy unfolds over a period of 6 months to a year. So you are in it pretty much the whole time. these eclipses occur. I have seen breakups, divorce, bankruptcy, finding new love, pregnancy, miscarriage, child loss, starting a new business, starting a new career, quitting your job, going back to school, extreme weight loss or gain, family feuds, deaths of loved ones, deaths of the individual themselves, breakups, makeups, love, loss, and so much in between. The way eclipses can manifest in a person’s life is different depending on what is going on with the individual. It is a very individual experience. Eclipses will not only affect those with the natal placements that are happening (Taurus and Scorpio sun, moon and risings for example here) but also those who are grouped in the same modality. So with these Taurus and Scorpio eclipses they will also be affecting fixed signs and fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. They will also be affecting Cancers as Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Any lunar activity such as Lunar eclipses will affect Cancers. And then lastly Taurus and Scorpio being sister signs. Whatever happens to one will happen to the other. So even if you are say a Taurus and not a Scorpio, nope you will be feeling and experiencing affects from both of them. Ultimately anyone can feel the energy of the eclipses though. They can cause insomnia, sleeping too much, headaches, nausea, anxiety, reckless and impulsive behaviour and just absolute chaos happening in the world around. Violence. Anger. Tempers flaring. Absolutely. But Taurus and Scorpio ARE the main characters of this eclipse season. They are having their life changing moments. The last time the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses happened was the year 2012-2014. Which leads us to me. Here I am, someone who has spoken about eclipses for years now. Time and time again. Eclipse season after eclipse season. I have been affected on a smaller scale. And also I have been affected by the eclipses of loved ones around me. My husbands eclipses deeply affect me as well. It’s been a bit of a never ending journey for the two of us the last several years. But I am a Taurus sun. And what is happening in this phase of my life has been, wild. It has been such an intense journey. The last time I went through the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses I graduated college, bought our first home, got my first “big girl” job at VIA Rail where i ended up working for years, and got engaged. It was also when I fully surrendered myself into the occult/esoteric lifestyle I lead now.

So starting in November of last year. I won’t go into too many details but nevertheless my husband and I went through something with some family that really started this massive cataclysmic change. I really wish I could talk about it. I will one day. I know a lot of you are curious and wanted to make sure I was okay and safe. I know a lot of people assumed it might have been marital troubles. Trouble in paradise? Ultimately it has been a bit of a strain on our relationship but we have pushed through all of it. And then May, the second series of eclipses, rolled around and my reality was shattered. Things I thought I knew about my life were revealed to be deceptive and not true. But while this was very difficult thing to go through and deeply wounded myself, my family, my children, my ego, my heart, it did end up leading to so much clarity and so much more protection around myself, my loved ones and my/our boundaries. I will never be blindsided that way ever again. And all I will tell you is that even when someone tells you they love you to your face, promises they want what’s best for you, this is not always the case. There is a person who wishes my downfall, even to this day. And it was someone who was very close to me, which of course makes it all the more worse and hurtful. But thus is how situations go typically. We were dealing with a broken, unhealed narcissist. Who used any weaknesses to attack. But since the events in May, we have completely removed ourselves from the situation, will never be in that situation again and have become closer, stronger, wiser and more powerful because of it. The Narcissists plan did not work out the way they wanted it to and ultimately it backfired and continues to backfire. More has been revealed over this last eclipse season. I did predict things going a bit differently to be honest but since I am so far removed from the situation now I think that is why I am safe and guarded still. I have waivered on whether or not I was doing the right thing and have psychoanalyzed every detail of the events not only that have happened in the last year but over the last several years. I do not claim to be perfect by any means but my intentions, thoughts and feelings have always been pure and true. The last bit of information that I was updated on over Halloween did remind me that I am doing the right thing by protecting myself and protecting my children. And nevertheless I will write about this one day when the wounds aren’t so fresh and deep. But for now this is what I can say, and it changed my life. But my family is safe, happy, healthy, loved and thriving so never you worry about us and what has happened.

So enough about the bad. Let’s talk about the good. I was lifted from a fog of postpartum depression. I was in it for years. Back to back to back to back pregnancies. Then being in lockdown, with 3 kids, not able to see or have any type of support system, going on birth control after years of being off of birth control. Worries for the future, not able to swim or exercise the way I wanted to, and the support I thought I would have at that phase of my life just wasn’t there. And it’s not anyone’s fault. It is just how life ended up working out for everyone involved. Husband working more. Mom living out of town and taking care of her elderly aunts/mother. Dad travelling half the year. Husband’s family not really an option. No babysitters due to “covid bubbles” It left me feeling very very alone and overwhelmed. But that was of course before these eclipses started. Things have drastically improved since those dark days. I have so much more freedom now. I have been off birth control since June of this year, with Jesse getting a vasectomy. More energy, better mood, sex drive back. Maarit, our nanny, came to help us in September so I don’t need to rely so much on people who already lead busy and stressful lives. My mom doesn’t need to feel guilty about not being able to help out as much. My dad can freely travel for months knowing that someone will be here to help me take care of the boys. My husband can work his busy schedule and not deal with my stressed out texts or phone calls every other day. I hope if they are reading this they know how much of a weight has been lifted for everyone since she has been around. I have a piece of my life back. It’s not fully back, it never will be fully back. As a mother you will never have that full independence you had when it was just you, even when they are grown up and leading their own lives. This is something I have also come to terms with over the last couple years.

My business growth! There was a lot of stagnancy over the years with what I was able to do with my time and energy. There was a time I was doing 5 readings a week. And it just completely burnt me out while also draining my energy from my family and dealing with that PPD. It was not a good time. I was applying to markets and being rejected. I was doing readings and feeling exhausted. So I had to take a big step back from growing my business. Less readings. No markets hardly at all. Being rejected from markets I did want to participate in. You can call me the reject queen at this point lol. And that’s how it was for a long while. However I will say that since we moved to our Wolseley home the connections and friendships I have made have absolutely exponentiated a lot of growth I have experienced over the last almost 3 years. Even in periods of stagnancy. So if you have been a part of it, you know who you are, I am eternally grateful for you. However since these eclipses began last November things have only continued to grow. In May, during the eclipse period, I was forced to change my name when I officially registered my business. My beloved MommaBatApothecary was denied as the word apothecary belongs to the Manitoba College of Pharmacists. Even though there are several apothecary businesses across Canada. I guess Manitoba is just stricter with their rules. So MommaBatWitchery was born during the last set of eclipses. And not only that but I got a new logo, new business cards, there are plans for merchandise and a lot more to come. When I reopened my readings I booked up months in advance. Even now, you will not get a reading with me until March or April. I hate that it has to be somewhat “exclusive” I never intended for it to be that way, but unfortunately for the time being that is how it needs to be. I have gained probably close to 2000 followers and have had some content go viral. It is not the most important thing but it is still interesting the timing of it all. However this past October things really were propelled into overdrive. I attended Comic Con as a vendor. I made hundreds of connections. Had a very overwhelmingly exhilarating experience with the 28,000 guests that attended . Being surrounded by that much energy, especially as someone who mostly hermits, and someone who very much guards and protects my energy. It was a lot. I ran into and saw several people I haven’t seen in years. It all felt very surreal and karmic. I will not disclose how much money I made but it was extremely profitable for me and I know it wasn’t for everyone. This was the experience I needed. I can do this. I can do big markets and conventions even being the reject queen. This lead me to a few days later. One of the moms from my kids school comes up to me in the school yard and says “congratulations! I saw your store on Westminster!” Nope not me. But yes this was my dream. All the POPUPs in front of my house, everyone who came by, lots of my followers. Most people know I really wanted to open up a witchy store here in Wolseley. I had my eyes set on Westminster because it was the ideal location. I even had someone give me the contact info for a spot that would be opening up shortly. This was at my last POPUP early October. But the truth is I am not in any place to be able to open up a shop right now. If I were to open up a shop I could kiss being any type of stay at home mom goodbye. And my business the way it is now gives me a lot of flexibility to be able to be there for my kids, which is the most important thing to me. I want to be there for them in all their moments. And even the time that I have given up in the last couple months has been really weird and fills me with sadness and guilt. Motherhood is the constant rollercoaster. When they are older then I will have time, and also hopefully the financial means to make my shop exactly as I want. I will be able to dedicate my time and love into exactly what I want. For now it was not meant to be for me. I accept that but it still crushed my soul a tiny bit. Which leads me to The Wicked Bazaar. I can’t remember which place had rejected me. This was well over a year ago maybe even two. But the beautiful Katrina from Scout Coffee said “hey maybe you should do your own market.” And I kind of scoffed at the idea but really it has always stuck in my head since then. So really, thank you Katrina, if you are reading this, you gave me a push and inspiration when I needed it. Not only that but I have been seeing these super popular witchy markets all over the USA, and even across Canada. There is nothing like that here in Winnipeg. Winnipeg needs more “alternative” markets. And they are slowly starting to show up with another friend of mine setting up the Winnipeg Punk Rock Flea Market. I have been talking about this with my husband and Maarit for months now. And when I saw the shop open on Westminster I said “I am not missing out on another thing” and didn’t hesitate to create what will be The Wicked Bazaar. The Wicked Bazaar, a witchy night market that will follow seasons, Pagan sabbats and depending on how successful the first few go, which me thinks will be very successful, is going to become a big thing. I am ready for it. It was absolutely an impulse to create the account and go with it when none of the details were ironed out. Especially for my Taurus sun Virgo moon self. But this gives me even more of a reason to go with it and do it because I have lots of interest and people who want this. I don’t want someone else to do it and then be kicking myself wishing that I would have done it. So there we have it. A new name, readings booked well into the new year, new shipments of crystals coming for my last markets of the year, and a new business on the horizon. It is all very exciting but also very scary.

This two week eclipse period started October 25th and went until a few days ago, November 8th. When I tell you I was feeling so grounded, steady, in control. I was sleeping good, eating good, exercising, sober for 6 weeks! On a personal level some very strange things happened during those two weeks. The sobriety went out the window. Which is fine. I have spoken about my relationship with alcohol a few times and it is not one that needs to be explained as “Oh I am an alcoholic and I fell off the wagon” no that’s not the case. I choose to be sober, I question my relationship with alcohol all the time, and I don’t overdo it or do it every single day. But sometimes in moments of high stress, sometimes in social situations , or sometimes because I just want to, I will. And so I did. My goal eventually would be to fully be sober always. I have also spoken about my relationship with cannabis a few times. I was someone who smoked weed daily if not every other day for probably 10 years and dabbled recreationally for between 15-20 years. This was not a hard habit for me to break. It came very naturally. I stopped a lot when I had Asher but not fully. And when Salem came around I was completely done. It wasn’t doing it for me the way it used to. I didn’t enjoy the way it made me feel. I would freely smoke in my home before having kids and after having kids I just didn’t want to do that. And I had way less time. In this 2 year eclipse period I have been sober more than not sober. I think eventually my relationship with alcohol will end the way my relationship with cannabis did. And I really look forward to that. But for now, when I do have a drink despite being “sober curious” I really do not beat myself up over it.

Jesse was assaulted at work. The day I was setting up for Comic Con. A customer who is schizophrenic assaulted one of his employees and he defended her. The guy got in his face, punched Jesse and Jesse punched him back. The guy left into the streets. Eventually the police found him, actually at LOW Brew CO which is right beside Mottola Grocery. He was arrested and charged. The man does suffer from mental illness. It is a sad situation really. Actually some of you might remember a few years ago this man went on a rampage in Osborne Village, Downtown and the Exchange punching random people in the street. That was the guy who assaulted my husband. Not only did that happen but Jesse had a couple other run ins with very aggressive people. Tensions were definitely high. Higher than normal.

My grandmother’s health is declining. It has been for months now. I have not been able to see her much at all during the pandemic or even the last few months. I am nervous to even visit her because of how often and how many germs my children are exposed to. My great aunt (her sister) passed away in the summer. We went to the funeral and she didn’t even recognize me or remember who I was for a few minutes. Granted my hair is completely different. But it was sad. My dad’s mom, my Granny Giavedoni, had Alzheimer’s and luckily passed away from natural causes but it was absolutely horrible and traumatic seeing how that disease took her away from us. My grandma is 94, she has lived a long and fulfilling life. But she now suffers dementia. These years she should have been surrounded by family and mine and my brother’s children. But instead she is mostly alone. She had a fall early in September and basically at this point she cannot physically get out of bed. The healing and physiotherapy that has happened since her fall has only taken her so far. She will likely never walk or get out of bed again. Her neighbour in her hospital room got Covid. So she was in a 2 week isolation period. My mom couldn’t even visit her. In that period everything declined a lot quicker than before. Very little memory. She can’t walk. She won’t be able to walk. My mom told me all of this the day before Comic Con which threw me into an absolute spiral and panic attack. I feel horrible for my mom. She is so close with my grandma. I feel sad for her and for my kids. Jaxson would be the only one who really remembers her and he even said to me “I don’t remember great grandma” and this just broke me. It is absolutely heartbreaking to see the decline of a parent or grandparent. It makes you question so many things. It makes you see mortality for what it is. I am really sad. And there is not really much I can do.

Also while I was in a panic attack about my grandmother, and in the middle of packing for Comic Con, I was also in the middle of dealing with a difficult customer. Someone who had chosen free contactless pickup on my website, they thought it meant free delivery. So I was having an awkward conversation and trying to make it right with them. I told them I could get it to them the next day, even though I should be setting up for Comic Con, as long as they paid the delivery fee. I went above and beyond in that conversation and the next day when I dropped off their package at an industrial office, which they also failed to mention. It wasn’t good enough and they gave me a negative review on my website. My first negative review. The day of the eclipse. Which hurt. But I am having to give up perfectionist tendencies and realize that that is so much more about them than it is about me. And it happens. Unfortunately. I tried to make it right with the customer. And I actually did refund them their money and then blocked them. I gave them $60 worth of crystals in a $55 Mystery Box, plus a herbal bundle, Halloween stickers, and candy. And it still wasn’t good enough for them. I never would have been able to please them. It felt pretty intentional.

The Narcissist had these ideas in their head. It was told to me that they were telling people “the truth will be revealed” about me. I never did shit to this person. They are completely delusional. What is possibly going to be revealed??? The things they said about me are so far from any type of truth and reality and were brought up in a moment of their literal psychosis. So absolutely the fuck not. There are no truths to be revealed except their own delusions being exposed. I hope they read that.

I got a chest tattoo!! It is a big change to my physical appearance. I branded my chest with the word “wicked” which partially coincides with the starting of my new business. But also because I am just really in my Villain Era. And really being in my Villain Era just means that I have firm boundaries after being walked all over for my whole life. But people will make you out to be the villain when they can’t have what they want. And if they want me to play the villain baby, so be it. The Wicked Witch of Wolseley was born under a Taurus Blood Moon Eclipse. A new MommaBat. A new Kari.

There are two more eclipses coming. But there is relief after such a compacted and intense time frame. I am not out of the woods yet. I have many ideas of how the next eclipses will go. More predictions. What will happen? What is not going to happen. I can predict all I want. I predicted certain things over these eclipses and have been right about some and wrong about others. That’s the thing about life. And thats the thing about astrology. You can be intuitive and psychic, you can know astrology, but life still has other plans in how it unfolds. You are never going to be able to predict every single thing. But that is also what makes life wonderful, even as an intuitive astrologer and witch. The good and the bad. There has been bad. The good far outweighs the bad. I have been tremendously blessed in this lifetime. My past lives have not always been so lucky and blessed. I have had my fair share of bad karma. But this lifetime will supersede any other one I have lived. And maybe my soul can finally rest after this lifetime. But I won’t know that for sure until the end of my days. Maybe there is more for me on the other side. But I do think I have the power to reach my full power and potential in this lifetime. I do have some demons I must face head on but I still have time left to do that.

2023 is going to bring so much growth and excitement. The Wicked Bazaar, my exercise and sobriety regimen, teaching others about my craft, further readings, further markets, my children’s growth, expansions for our family home and finances, healing from the last few years. Jesse’s eclipses begin next year as he is a Libra. Of course they would fall right after mine. And what affects him ultimately does affect me. It will be interesting to see how things play out for us until 2025. Our break as a family will come after that. Until then it’s a lot of healing and growth that we are dealing with. And I am here for every minute of the ride.