Full "Harvest" Moon in Pisces and Friday the 13th
Hey y’all. I hope you all have been doing well. I know my writing has been slacking lately. A lot of things have been slacking to be honest. I have mentioned multiple times that I have been going through it and this has probably been one of the hardest years of my life. My Saturn return has truly affected both my husband and I in a lot of ways. But never fear because it has brought us so much closer together if that is even possible and I can tell you now that my little family I have built is the very best thing going for me. They make my days so full and happy. So at least I have all of that going for me. One of these days I am going to put a blog post out on what I have been going through and I am sure it will all make sense from that point forward. But until then I am just focusing on myself and my family. It is a good thing to make sure you are always working on yourself and continuously growing. Don’t get stuck in old mindsets and ways. There is always room for improvement whether you are 13, 30, 50 or 75.
Anyway today’s blog post is about the ever spooky and mysterious Friday the 13th. Which also coincides with a full Harvest Moon in Pisces. We are lucky here in Manitoba because our full Moon lands today on Friday the 13th, amplifying the affects of the day. A lot of other places depending on time zone will be experiencing the full Moon tomorrow on the 14th. Basically the full Moon is very close to midnight.
I did a post on facebook a while back explaining there significance of Friday the 13th. It is my most favourite day of the year. 13 is very meaningful for me and I know a lot of people think that Friday the 13th and the number 13 in general are very bad luck. This is a complete superstition and there is no truth to this whatsoever. If anything the day is quite lucky and something to be celebrated. It originated from Pagan times, because everything originated from Pagan times. Basically it was a day to celebrate the divine feminine spirit and considered the “Day of the Goddess”. Friday is ruled by the planet Venus. Venus the planet of love and beauty but also represented by the beautiful goddess Aphrodite. It was never meant to be something scary or horribly unlucky. 13 is also a feminine number. It represents the number of menstrual cycles in a year a woman has and again was twisted into something evil and bad. It also represents change and beginnings and endings of cycles. When the Christian religion took over they did everything in their power to twist the story into thinking it was something like that. But really it is an honour of our own fertility and the beauty that is life, birth, creation, death and rebirth. So basically if you have any bad feelings about Friday the 13th, especially if you are a woman this is coming from Patriarchal religions and society trying to tear you down and make you believe you do not need to be celebrated. Use this day to celebrate your own feminine energy. I wrote recently about a full Moon ritual and this is the perfect day to do one. Also go out with your girl friends and do something fun. Make sure to celebrate your own womanhood.
Now onto the Pisces full Harvest Moon. This is somewhat of a rare occurrence and will be the last Friday the 13th Harvest Moon until 2049. Definitely a special day. Known as a “Harvest” moon because now is the time when harvesting crops begins. With the full Moon in the mutable, water sign of Pisces you may find yourself feeling extra emotional, dreamy and spacey. This full Moon will be affecting those with Mutable signs the most, that is Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces It is a really good time to tap into your intuitive side, your creative side, and any psychic powers you feel you may have. You may feel the need to escape and during this time cope with substances. This is very Neptunian energy which rules addiction. A Pisces moon is always a time when people hit the bottle. This is okay, everything in moderation, and as long as you are having fun. If you are using it as a way to deal with your pain and escape I would definitely recommend holding off on the drinking or drug use. Pisces are known for their sensitivity and compassion. You will be feeling likely extra sensitive and likely more emotional during this full Moon. They are also known to be somewhat of a martyr to any cause they deem worthy. The victim mentality can be present if they are not evolved. But these could be things to work on during this full Moon. Releasing bad habits that include dealing with pain and escapism with substances, releasing this victim mentality if you have one, working on being present and not allowing your mind to drift into a daydream. Some things to embrace for this full Moon are your creative side, your intuitive side. Tap into that intuition. You may think you have no psychic powers but you are dead wrong. Your intuition is telling you things constantly, that is your psychic power. Don’t tune it out, tune in and listen. Try to embrace balance. Pisces are givers. They give and give because they love so much and are extremely sensitive to the feelings of others. But in doing this they may not look after themselves. Life is a balance. You can give to others but make sure your needs are being met as well. Pay attention to any dreams you may be having. Neptune also rules dreams and imagination and you likely are having vivid dreams as well. There are some harsh aspects with both Neptune and Jupiter so escapist tendencies will be major for this full Moon. Mars the planet of action and drive is squaring both Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusion and Jupiter the planet of luck and expansion. Things may be confusing to say the least. Over consumption, over estimation and a desire to transcend this life will be at the forefront. Be careful not to be tricked by any illusions.
As always full Moons signify endings and new beginnings. Light is shed onto things that have been hidden in the shadows and depending on what sign it is in incredible transformation. It is also a time of heightened emotions. Be cautious of your reactions because you may act or think irrationally. This is a good time to use crystals to keep you grounded, balanced and steady. Some crystals you can use are Lapis Lazuli, Topaz, Peridot, Smoky Quartz, Sodalite and Turquoise. This is also an amazing time to do a full Moon ritual which month by month I will do postings on how to perform one. We perform full Moon rituals to release and let go of toxic and negative energies and feelings. It is very therapeutic and if you can get 4 in your group, Earth, Air, Fire and Water you are a force to be reckoned with. Full Moons are also a time of deep healing and can be overwhelming. Take the time to rest if you need. People often find they are either insomniac or extra sleepy during full Moons. If you are feeling tired or not well definitely take the time to rest and recuperate. Happy full Moon friends and remember to take this time for yourself whichever way you plan to and as always let it go. Let go of everything no longer serving you and no longer aligning with your life. Let the Universe know and grant it permission to leave.