New Moon in Sagittarius Ritual
There are some really ancient rituals that have been done for 1000s of years. A lot of different astrologers and healers use these types of things to help people with the difficulties of life. You can do a ritual for all kinds of different things but some popular times to commit to doing a ritual is during new Moons, full Moons and during the equinoxes and solstices. If you really enjoy doing them then you can start to do a ritual for other things you need in life. It can be very therapeutic. The power of manifestation is a crazy thing and that’s why these rituals are important.
The new Moon moves into Sagittarius on November 26th at 2:06am. We set intentions for the month on the new Moon to be clear and concise about what we like to achieve. New Moons are about manifesting our goals and desires whereas full Moons are about cutting ties and letting go. The new Moon in Sagittarius asks us to focus on owning our passions, exploring the unfamiliar and our sense of purpose, philosophizing, speaking our truth, and wild and free adventure. Sagittarius is a fire sign, a Mutable sign and ruled by the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion so this is a particularly good time to manifest as anything you wish were will be amplified by the influence of Jupiter. The free spirited hippie of the zodiac, they cannot be tamed. They are adventurous, optimistic, blunt, honest, independent, and philosophical. However they are also bored, reckless, impulsive and flighty in relationships. Mutable in modality meaning they are adaptable, flexible and diplomatic. Sagittarius may just be my favourite fire sign because of their innate optimism. They might not make the best lover but they definitely make the best friend. A Sagittarius new Moon is the perfect new Moon after the intensity of the Scorpio new Moon and Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio. A time to manifest something a little more lighthearted.
You have 3 days before and 3 days after the new Moon to perform this ritual.
1) Gather any and all supplies that you will need for the ritual. You can use sage to smudge beforehand, crystals you will need (labradorite, amethyst, lapis lazuli, snowflake obsidian, black obsidian, goldstone, turquoise and topaz), a journal to write, a bowl to smudge in or burn intentions, and a candle. I will be using sage to smudge and plenty of candles to represent the element fire.
2) Create yourself a special alter space for all the items that you have gathered. It doesn’t matter where your alter space is, it can be any table in the house or on the floor, wherever you feel most comfortable. Decorate with items such as crystals, plants, candles, things you find outside in nature like leaves or feathers, decorative table runners, anything you can really think of that seems appropriate. I will be using labradorite, selenite, clear quartz, black obsidian, snowflake obsidian, amethyst, goldstone, sage, snowflake and winter decor, 4 candles both white and black, an abalone shell to burn intentions, my tarot cards and my Moon journal. My journal you can buy on Amazon. The tarot cards I purchased from a small bookstore in Kelowna but they are called Mystic Mondays and I believe you can also buy them on Amazon. Decorations and crystals have all been purchased over the years from various locations such a Michaels, the Forks, Stonebridge Imports, Dollarama etc.
3) Start by smudging your alter space and say a little prayer. It can be along the lines of “I respect mother Moon and all she does for us. I take this time to set honest intentions. I manifest all that is good and bright and light. I have the power to change my future. I will let go all that no longer serves me. I am totally and completely alined spiritually. I am in tune with my higher powers. “ Write down your intentions or wishes. focus on them, meditate on them. What do you wish for your life? Can you actually picture these things happening to and for you in your life? The manifestation WILL NOT work if you truly don’t believe it. It’s important to be clear on what you want. You can doodle and make your intentions “pretty” or you can just be as simple as writing a list. Some new Moon in Sagittarius intentions would be: I will learn something new that I have been meaning to study or look into. I will read every night and finish certain book I have been putting off finishing. I will plan a trip or go on a spontaneous trip. I will plan an adventure even if it’s within the city limits. I will work on my reckless behaviours. I will work on my bluntness. I will maintain optimism even in the most difficult times. Use the word WILL, over and over, reiterate it. As I said before it won’t work unless you truly believe. There are of course the typical ones for manifestation as well; make lots of money, lose weight, be a better person, better mother/father, better friend, etc. You can manifest whatever your heart desires truly. These are just some examples of Sagittarius themes.
4) Light your candle. You will write your intentions down into your journal. You will start off by writing down the goals and desires you have for this new month ahead of you. You will ask for the guidance in doing this. Don’t let fear or ego hold you back any longer. Next you will write about your wishes for the next month. What do you desire above all else. This is the perfect month to focus on yourself and your true desires. Now is the time to be realistic and focus on the things you truly need to accomplish in order for your dreams to manifest entirely. You will light the paper on fire and watch how the fire burns your intentions. Maybe it burns fast or maybe it fizzles out fast or maybe it burns slow and smouldering. This seals your desires and puts them out into the universe.
5) At this time you can take some time for yourself however you wish, further meditation, possibly a tarot reading if you are into that, you can even enjoy a glass of wine. Tell the Moon you love her, clean up your space and take the crystals to bed with you. You have just completed your new Moon ritual.
I hope you guys enjoy doing this ritual and can find some peace or healing that you may be needing in life. I also hope that you manifest your deepest desires and this Moon month goes exactly how you wish it to. Now is the time for action and to put forth effort into achieving your goals. Use this positive energy towards achieving so much more than you even think is possible. The Winter Solstice is just around the corner as well as Yule. We are also in the shadow period of Mercury going direct. So while Mercury Retrograde is over we must still be wary of its shadow period. And on top of this there will be a partial solar eclipse in Capricorn on Christmas Day! This eclipse will be affecting those with Cardinal signs the most, that is Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. We are currently in the shadow of the eclipse in Capricorn so if you are feeling off, especially as a Cardinal sign that is why. Stay strong and power through the best you can. Themes from this summers eclipse season will present themselves and either continue to wreak havoc or wrap themselves up. I will be putting out a new post for the solar eclipse closer to the day explaining a bit more so stay tuned. The full Moon will be December 11th in Gemini. Stay tuned for further blog posts coming up, Fun Family Holiday Activities, Full Moon in Gemini Ritual and eventually, An Open Letter to Mother of Boys, The Winter Solstice, The Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, and the Origins and Meaning of Yule. Happy new Moon friends! Get to manifesting.